Rot Repair in Fiberglass Boats
Other Problem Areas Anywhere there's wood on a boat there's a potential for rot or deterioration. We show below hull-to-deck joints, and the various applications of wood. If it looks bad, then clean the surface, remove the fastening, apply CPES. ![]() Mast steps are usually wood based, and they rot or deteriorate. It's often easier to rebuild the existing deteriorated step than it is to pull it and replace. A combination of CPES and the L&L Resin can result in a strong step that is largely free of existing rot and protected to a substantial degree from future rot. The wood trim on glass boats is now usually teak, which is good because it won't rot. We should tell you that teak treated first with a coat of CPES will hold varnish for a lot longer than teak which is untreated. This particularly true if the varnish is a polyurethane, which seems to stick to CPES-treated wood particularly well. |